下午茶 Afternoon Tea
True story 真實故事
I Iove drinking tea,and knowing this.A friend once invited me to a teahouse where we had one of my favourite types of tea:oolong.During the conversation my friend told me that his whole family liked to drink tea,especially his mother:“She really likes to drink thick tea.”It took me a while to figure out his meaning,but eventually I re-alized that what he meant to say was“她喜 歡喝濃茶.Which in English would be "She likes to drink really strong tea.”
我喜歡喝茶而且精于此道。曾經一位朋友邀請我去一家茶社喝茶,在那我們喝了我最喜歡的一種茶—烏龍茶。交談中朋友告訴我他全家都喜歡喝茶,特別是他的媽媽:"She really likes to drink thick tea.”我想了好一會才明白他是想說“她喜歡喝濃茶。”這在英語中應該是“She likes to drink really strong tea.”
Don't translate“功夫茶”as "kung fu tea" . Instead, you could refer to it as“concentrated”or“strong tea”.
sweet adj.甜的
salty adj,咸的
spicy adj.辛辣的
strong adj.濃的
light adj.口味輕的
chewy adj.耐嚼的
tender adj.嫩的
bitter adj.苦的
savory adj.味美的;咸味的
hot adj.辣的
weak adj.淡的
heavy adj.口味重的
crispy adj.脆生的