Smilence 笑而不語
vi. When you are expecting some answers from your Chinese audience, you may just get a mysterious smile and their silence only.
動詞 當你期望從中國聽眾那里獲得一些回答的時候,你只得到了神秘的微笑和他們的沉默。
n. the facial expression with smile while keeping ones mouth shut.
名詞 笑而不語的表情
ie. Once asked about what happened after July, 5th, 2009 in Xinjiang, the western province of China, many Uygurs smilenced.
Togayther 終成眷屬
adverb:be with each other no matter what
ie. They met each other in a Chinese university campus; they have been togayther finally after graduation and going abroad.
Shitizen P民
n. a shitizen of a particular country like China is legally accepted as belonging to that country without any right of citizen.
ie. "I"m a senior official as your mayor, and you are only a shitizen!"quote from a high-rank drunk Chinese official, Mr. Lin.
Divoice 離婚宣言
n. an announcement made for divorce
ie. "I am so happy to divorce with you. And I wish you and your Xiaosan a merry marriage like ours."That"s a divoice from a woman who managed to leave her ex-husband almost nothing.
Animale 男人天性
n. the basic instinct of the species called "male"
ie. Tiger Woods didn"t do anything wrong but showing his animale.
Amerryca 享樂國
n. A country where people enjoy 70% energy supply and asking others to cut carbon emission.
ie. If you were elected in Amerryca, you would be a war president and Nobel peace prize winner at the same time too.
Suihide 躲貓貓
v. kill oneself by playing seek-and-hide game
ie. The word suihide is invented from the experience of Mr. Qiaoming Li ,who was found dead after he was put into custody more than 10 days for his cutting a tree on Kuming city, Yunnan province. The initial report issued by the police said he fell down when playing a hide-and-seek game during the custody along with other prisoners.
“躲貓貓”一詞來源于李蕎明的經歷,他因涉嫌砍伐了一顆云南省昆明市的樹木而被拘禁,在拘禁十天后他被發現死亡。警方出具的最早的報告稱他是在拘留所里和 其他犯人玩“躲貓貓”游戲時意外身亡。
Don’train 動車
v. the advanced high-speed train which costs more than average Chinese can afford.
ie. When they were told that most of migrant works cannot afford go back to their hometowns for the Spring Festival reunion by airplane, the officials responded, "Now they have the option to take Don"train."
Vegeteal 偷菜
v. the most popular on-line game in China which everyone with IQ above 30 can play.
ie. Netizens in Xinjiang have paid cash for friends out of the province to continue play vegeteal for over half a year, and the market demand even created related jobs.
Sexretary 秘書
n. Assistant who helps her boss whenever and whatever he needs.
ie. Bill Clinton, as any successful animale, has a wonderful wife and a dozen sexretaries.
Carass 輕拂菊花
v. the super treatment usually only available to high-rank officials in China
ie. Mr. Xilai Bo, the party boss of Chongqing city, was carassed because of his "Cracking-Organized-Crime" Campaign through a special song created and dedicated to him —— The Song of Xilai
Emotionormal 情緒穩定
adj. being calm and reasonable, usually with the smilence expression
ie. After Yangjia"s execution, his mother was reported emotionormal from the mental-illness hospital, according to state-owned media.
Harmany 河蟹
adj. the stable situation where everybody is emotionormal and there is no sign of unrest at all
ie. We have been in a harmany society for too long to remember what is harmony.