英國人說的 |
英國人實際表達的 |
I hear what you say 我聽到你說什么了 |
I disagree and do not want to discuss it further 我不同意也不想繼續討論下去了 |
He accepts my point of view 他接受了我的觀點 |
With the greatest respect 懷著最高的敬意 |
You are an idiot 你是一個白癡 |
He is listening to me 他在聽我說 |
That's not bad 那不算壞 |
That's good 不錯 |
That's poor 那很差勁 |
That is a very brave proposal 這是一個非常勇敢的提議 |
You are insane 你瘋了 |
He thinks I have courage 他認為我很有勇氣 |
Quite good 真不錯 |
A bit disappointing 有一點令人失望 |
Quite good 真不錯 |
I would suggest 我認為 |
Do it or be prepared to justify yourself 按我認為的去做或證明你的想法 |
Think about the idea, but do what you like 考慮他的說法,但按自己想的做 |
Oh, incidentally/by the way 哦,順便提一下 |
The primary purpose of our discussion is 這次討論的主要目的是 |
That is not very important 那并不是很重要 |
I was a bit disappointed that 我對此有點失望 |
I am annoyed that 我被惹惱了 |
It doesn't really matter 沒關系 |
Very interesting 非常有趣 |
That is clearly nonsense 那簡直是胡說八道 |
They are impressed 那令人印象深刻 |
I'll bear it in mind 我會記住的 |
I've forgotten it already 我已經忘了 |
They will probably do it 他們大概會這么做 |
I'm sure it's my fault 我確信這是我的錯 |
It's your fault 這是你的錯 |
Why do they think it was their fault? 為什么他們覺得是他們的錯? |
You must come for dinner 你得過來吃晚飯 |
It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite 這并不是一個邀請,我只是表示禮貌 |
I will get an invitation soon 我很快就會受到邀請 |
I almost agree 我差不多同意了 |
I don't agree at all 我根本不同意 |
He's not far from agreement 他差不多同意了 |
I only have a few minor comments 我只有一些次要意見 |
Please rewrite completely 請全部重寫 |
He has found a few typos 他只找到了一些印刷錯誤 |
Could we consider some other options 我們能考慮下別的選擇嗎 |
I don't like your idea 我不喜歡你的主意 |
They have not yet decided 他們還沒決定
“我聽到你說什么了” 代表“我不同意也不想繼續討論下去了”,“這是一個勇敢的提議”代表“你瘋了”。